The EMMA team are working hard to create the outcomes promised in the project proposal. Many of these outcomes are public and will be published here when they are available. The following list shows the main public project outcomes:
- Interface specification and Navigation guidelines
- Dissemination Materials (3 versions)
- Aggregator Description
- Evaluation Methodology
- User Manual (3 versions)
- Market Research Report
- Service and Content Deployment
- Pilot Cycle Evaluations
- Definition of a European MOOC model
- Final report
D2.1 Aggregator Description
This deliverable concerns the technical characteristics of the Emma aggregator – the various components and learning environments and how they interact. It includes a detailed description of the aggregator’s architecture and design.
D2.2 User Manual
This deliverable is the first of 3 user manuals published in month 8 of the project lifetime.
D2.2.1 User Manual
This deliverable is the second of 3 user manuals published in month 16 of the project lifetime.
D.2.2.2 User Manual
This deliverable is the third of 3 user manuals published in month 24 of the project lifetime.
D2.5 Interface specification and Navigation guidelines
This deliverable included first a detailed analysis of the Federica platform from the point of view of its User Experience (Usx), its features and usability. The second section is then related to the benchmarking analysis of GUI of the major MOOCs platforms to see how competitors dealt with some of the challenges Federica was faced with. The final part of this report details some of the decisions that were taken in designing the Emma Interface.
D4.2 Evaluation Methodology
This deliverable contains the theoretical background to the collection, analysis and reporting of data relayed by EMMA users. It also describes the technical functions of the EMMA platform and those of the IPSOS online interviewing system as well as a description of the relationship between the evaluation analysis and the other activities and tasks of WP4.
D5.2 Service and Content Deployment
This deliverable presents the work corresponding to Task 5.2 Service Deployment. It describes EMMA’s deployment strategy, how it has been carried out and to what purposes. It provides an explanation of each elaborated document and a description of the state of implementation of each action.
D5.2 Editorial Policy
This deliverable addresses MOOC authors who are considering submitting a MOOC proposal to the EMMA platform, as well as existing MOOC providers. It describes the editorial policy framework in which MOOCs will be published on the EMMA platform.
D5.2 Terms and Conditions
This deliverable is the result of a bench-marking survey with other MOOC platforms and complements the existing EMMA Privacy Policy document. It presents a new release of the EMMA Privacy Policy with a greater emphasis on data collection, treatment and security.
D6.2 Dissemination materials
This deliverable relates to task T6.2. Setting up a visual identity and creating dissemination materials, and will give an overview of the work to date. The task involves establishing an appropriate logo, tag-line and other visual elements necessary for the effective branding of the EMMA project.
D6.2.1 Dissemination materials
This deliverable relates to task T6.2. Setting up a visual identity and creating dissemination materials, and gives an overview of the work carried out from M06 to M12 related to this task. This deliverable has been adapted and re-submitted in accordance with the request made by the reviewers at the annual review meeting in Luxembourg in March 2015 when the project team were asked to remove content that was already reported in D6.2.
D6.2.2 Dissemination Materials
This deliverable relates to task T6.2. Setting up a visual identity and creating dissemination materials, and gives an overview of the work carried out from M13 to M22 related to this task.
D7.1 Market Research Report
This deliverable reports on the results of the market research conducted in Y1. It offers an initial view of the project’s assets and the market structure, identifying the key players and possible competitors.