Latest news
At the end of last month EMMA was in Ljubljana, Slovenia, for this year’s OpenCourseWare Consortium‘s Global Conference 2014 [...] -
Classification schema for MOOCs
Recently, Gráinne Conole from EMMA-partner University of Leicester blogged about an approach to classify massive open online courses. [...] -
MOOCs for professional development
On April 16, 2014 Wilfred Rubens from EMMA-partner Open University in the Netherlands provided an expert session at the Next Learning [...] -
EMMA at JTEL 2014
The 10th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning was held in Malta from April 27 - May 2 and welcomed PhD students [...] -
Research into MOOCs
The MOOC Research Initiative which is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is actively supporting research into the MOOC [...] -
EMMA project launch
12 leading universities and companies in 8 European countries announce the launch today of the new EMMA project which will provide [...] -
EMMA Partners meet in Lisbon
Universidade Aberta in Portugal hosted a 2 day meeting on 9/10 April bringing together most of the EMMA partners to plan for the launch [...] -
Exploring the future of Higher Education at DAVOS 2014
Daphne Koller from Coursera was one of the speakers taking part in a high level debate at the Davos 2014 discussion session "Higher [...] -
European Commission launches network to foster web talent MOOCs
The Commission is launching a network of providers of MOOCs related to web and apps skills. The new network aims to map the demand for [...] -
Preliminary findings on MOOCs related to web talent
OpeneducationEuropa has just announced some first results of its research into the number of available MOOCs in Europe in the area of [...]