How to launch a MOOC on the EMMA platform?

If you are a teacher or content provider, you are also welcome to be part of EMMA, please go to this page for more information.

How to follow a MOOC on EMMA?

Following a MOOC on EMMA is simple! All you have to do is choose the MOOC(s) that interest you and register. There is no obligation, just go ahead and give it a try!

Why get involved in the first round of EMMA users?

EMMA is a 30-month pilot action that aims to promote real cross-cultural and multi-lingual learning. Feedback and ideas from learners like you are important for us to shape a high quality platform to meet our learners’ needs.

We are counting on you as learners to give us feedback about your experience and suggest improvements. Get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to take on board as many as we can.

I want to become part of EMMA