EMMA progress – EMMA offers a second round of MOOCs

Since November, the EMMA team have been busy monitoring and reviewing the experience of offering the first MOOCs which ran until December. The partner meeting held in Madrid in December provided a good opportunity to review progress generally and to plan for the next phase. Since then, arrangements for the next batch of 5 MOOCs have been finalised and these will launch in March/April while planing for the second iteration of several of the first round of MOOCs is planned for May. Arrangements to support the introduction of MOOCs not provided by EMMA partners have also been advanced and those interested can find the selection criteria and information about how to apply to EMMA to have their MOOC included in the EMMA platform on the project website. Work has been done on the EMMA Summer School which will be held in Ischia in July in collaboration with ECTEL and the project continues to be presented in a variety of different events and locations.

Find this update and all the past ones in our Progress page.

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