EMMA contributed to the EDEN conference which was held from 14 to 17 June in Budapest with two poster sessions around the highly successful MOOC on coding and a bootcamp workshop on Assessment for learning in practice, another well-attended MOOC that ran on the EMMA platform this academic year.
The MOOC “Coding in your classroom, Now”, created by Professor Alessandro Bogliolo to help teachers introduce their classes to computational thinking through coding run on EMMA this year and attracted over 5000 learners. Rosanna De Rosa (EMMA project coordinator) and Alessandro Bogliolo, presented a poster “Teaching to teachers. A MOOC based hybrid approach where they analyse how this type of MOOC generated a highly scalable process of teaching and learning involving a plethora of actors: school managers, ICT experts, teachers, and pupils as final users.
In the second poster: “Monitoring a Learning Community in a Hybrid Environment: A Sentiment Analysis” by Ilaria Merciai and Marco Cerrone, the learning community that developed around this course was further analysed, trying to understand what impact this hybrid model of MOOC delivery has on the creation of the learning community and student engagement.
Also on the programme at EDEN was a training session on “MOOC Assessment for learning in practice” provided by EMMA partners Olga Firssova and Francis Brouns from the Open University of the Netherlands, Welten Institute. An introduction to the EMMA platform was combined with learning activities relevant to the topic of Formative Assessment. Topics discussed were the concepts of feedback, feed-forward and feed-up (Hattie & Timperley, 2007), rubrics and constructive alignment (Biggs). Participants of the training also watched a short video presentation from the TeSLA project on how to tackle issues such as plagiarism, fraud and cheating with the help of technology and discussed the link between this issue and assessment for learning.
A complete description of this training is available here, slides of the presentation can be found here.