EMMA will run a 90 minute Introduction to MOOC Design workshop for conference participants at 11.30 CET during the EDEN conference http://www.eden-online.org/ taking place next week in Barcelona. In this practical session Deborah Arnold (University of Burgundy, France), Sally Reynolds, (ATiT, Belgium), Jessica Chao (UOC, Spain) and Maka Eradze, (UNINA, Italy) will take you through the different types of popular MOOCs currently available and help you to understand the pedagogical and design implications of each. Part of this workshop will include a review of your ideas and current state of planning with known experts in the field of MOOC design and delivery. You can also join this workshop online through an interactive webinar – register here if you would like to take part. This practical workshop will explore the different types of popular MOOCs currently available and help you to understand the pedagogical and design implications of each. We will also share with you the general experiences of some of the EMMA MOOC providers where they will explain why they made certain choices in relation to MOOC design.
Also see: the Programme of the Conference (10 June 2015 – Wednesday Morning, Workshop Session A