Classification schema for MOOCs

Recently, Gráinne Conole from EMMA-partner University of Leicester blogged about an approach to classify massive open online courses. After a brief introduction of MOOCs, Conole addresses the pedagogical diversity of MOOCs. She illustrates that there is more in the ‘MOOC-world’ then cMOOCs and xMOOCs. Conole describes MOOCs by using twelve dimensions. In addition, she uses the classification schema to describe five MOOCs. According to Conole this classification can be used for the design and evaluation of MOOCs as well.


  1. […] introduced the EMMA-project and used the classification schema for MOOCs developed bij EMMA-partner Gráinne Conole from the University of Leicester to discuss the […]

  2. Fernando Bacelar

    Greetings all. I believe there is some overlapping between the design/evaluation phases. I mean, when designing an Open MOOC how can we be sure of the diversity or “massiveness”? (are you considering some local barriers, or content expectations, or some admission filters ?). Of course in your example you talk about a “Continuing Professional Development for Medics in a local authority”. But is this really Massive? Or the course can be easily adapted for other small groups?

  3. Wilfred Rubens

    In my opinion this has to do with the learning design of a MOOC. As a designer, you can aim on a homogeneous but massive target group ( e.g teachers). You may also aim on a diverse but smaller target group (such as Estonian parents). In addition, the question is what we mean by ‘massive’.

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