The March Newsletter of EMMA is out!

What do Business Intelligence, Lisbon and E-learning have in common? Well they are all subjects of the new round of EMMA MOOCs launched by the project team in February. Their launch coincides with a number of updates to the EMMA platform making it more fit-for-purpose and ready now to take enrollments in the new MOOCs. We have also launched our own YouTube channel this month and are getting ready for several new developments in the EMMA platform to help better track and support learners. The selection criteria for new MOOCs to be added to EMMA were finalised recently and you can find them on the EMMA site along with a description of what you need to do if you would like to have your MOOC added to the EMMA platform. More information about the EMMA Summer School is becoming available and you can already register to take part in this week long summer school on MOOC design taking place on the beautiful Italian island of Ischia in July. Read this an more News in the March Newsletter.

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